Goese Home Page Emojis & Special Characters
💠 Special thanks to FileFormat.info | Many Unicode 13.0 characters on this page are not yet broadly supported (as of September 2020).
🄶🄾🄴🅂🄴 Jump down to alphabetical list with this arrow:

How to enter symbols in documents/emails:

Given a Unicode-friendly PC document, Alt-8322 produces a subscript "2" as in CO₂ (HTML: ₂).
Alt-0160 provides a non-breaking space, useful for making a multi-part first name look like one string in a database or keeping a space from breaking across lines. See more on spaces and half spaces at the bottom of this ASCII table page and HTML character codes here.
Alt-0173 provides a non-breaking hyphen for when you want a hyphenated word to stick together (NOT break across lines). Non-breaking hyphen: ‑








0127  0128 0129  0130 0131 ƒ 0132
0133 0134 0135 0136 ˆ 0137
(per thousand)
0138 Š
0139 0140 Œ 0141  0142 Ž 0143  0144 
0145 0146 0147 0148 0149 0150
0151 0152 ˜ 0153 0154 š 0155 0156 œ
0157  0158 ž 0159 Ÿ 0160 See note* 0161 ¡ 0162 ¢
0163 £ 0164 ¤ 0165 ¥ 0166 ¦ 0167 § 0168 ¨
0169 © 0170 ª 0171 « 0172 ¬ 0173 ­ 0174 ®
0175 ¯ 0176 ° 0177 ± 0178 ² 0179 ³ 0180 ´
0181 µ 0182 0183 · 0184 ¸ 0185 ¹ 0186 º
0187 » 0188 ¼ 0189 ½ 0190 ¾ 0191 ¿ 0192 À
0193 Á 0194 Â 0195 Ã 0196 Ä 0197 Å 0198 Æ
0199 Ç 0200 È 0201 É 0202 Ê 0203 Ë 0204 Ì
0205 Í 0206 Î 0207 Ï 0208 Ð 0209 Ñ 0210 Ò
0211 Ó 0212 Ô 0213 Õ 0214 Ö 0215 × 0216 Ø
0217 Ù 0218 Ú 0219 Û 0220 Ü 0221 Ý 0222 Þ
0223 ß 0224 à 0225 á 0226 â 0227 ã 0228 ä
0229 å 0230 æ 0231 ç 0232 è 0233 é 0234 ê
0235 ë 0236 ì 0237 í 0238 î 0239 ï 0240 ð
0241 ñ 0242 ò 0243 ó 0244 ô 0245 õ 0246 ö
0247 ÷ 0248 ø 0249 ù 0250 ú 0251 û 0252 ü
0253 ý 0254 þ 0255 ÿ 0000   224 α 225 ß
226 Γ 227 π 228 Σ 229 σ 230 µ 231 τ
232 Φ 233 Θ 234 Ω 235 δ 236 237 φ
238 ε 239 240 241 ± 242 243
244 245 246 ÷ 248 ° 249 250 ·
251 252 253 ² 219 █  254 ■  0601 ə (schwa)
&cong Danish small [oe] ø   minus 2610    
2672 ♲                      

*Alt-0160 (entered on PC with numeric keypad) is a non-breaking space. It's handy in HTML if you want a couple non-collapsing spaces in a row.

Pronunciation Clarifiers & Diacritical Marks (ā ē ī ō ū - more here & here)
- A "nonspacing" overline/overbar/vinculum indicates a repeating number or set of numbers, but this does format properly online: ̅
- Methods are available within MS Word to add diacritical marks to characters.
- Overlines are also used to represent a sample mean.
- The macron (line over single character) indicates a long vowel pronunciation:  ̄  (e.g. the Ō in RŌKɅ glasses & ŌURA ring)
- Marriot Bonvo̱y uses a stylized "combining macron" under the letter o with no impact on pronunciation. o̱ (o̱ and o̱ both work)
- Combining/conjoining macron: ︦ test: 4︦5

Peace, love & happiness! ☮ ❤ 😊 • Thanks to https://www.fileformat.info for their well-organized library of special symbols and emojis. For clarity, these :) :( are text emoticons (an arrangement of more than one standard text character), and emojis are images generated through Unicode. Here is a page with lots of emoticons.
Also see the official Unicode emoji list here for renderings on multiple platforms (PC, Mac, phone, etc.). Unicode is a subset of ISO 10646.
⏫ Top of page

Other local sets: | Full ASCII Set |
Remote sets: Alchemical Symbol Set | New Emojis by Release | Good list from Germany |

NOTE: "⛔🍏:" at the end of each section includes symbols not supported by Apple. Apple got too lazy or impoverished to render quite a few Unicode/emoji symbols, as you'll see below.

The "info" symbol (aka "Circled Information Source," HTML decimal entity "🛈" and hex entity "🛈" rendered as 🛈) shown as an image at the start of this paragraph does not render on my Android phone. It is a very useful and common symbol that is also NOT supported by Apple, either. As an alternative, here is the "Information Source" (with the typical fiefdom-driven inconsistency amongst various implementations: no surround on Windows, circled on Android, square surround on iPad):

≋𝔻𝔾≋ ~ 𝒟𝒶𝓃 ♡𝒟𝒶𝒹/𝓃
Alphabetical List of Unicode Emojis & Special Characters
Copy & paste the Unicode special characters grouped below by [alphabetically-sorted] category.

Jump to categories with this alphabetical index:



Top of page 

Adventure: ⛺

𓅀 🐢 🧜 🦭 🦀 🐠 🐡 🎣 🐟 🐬 🦐 🐳 🐋 🦈 🐙 🦞 🐾 🐓 🐔 🐯 🐅 🐇 🐌 🐁 🐀 🐘 🦏 🦛
🐕 🐶 🦮 😸 😻 😼 😿 🐈 🐲 🐉 🐪 🐫 🦒 🦝 🦌 🦁 🐅 🐯 🦌 🦧 🐏 🐑 🐐
🐒 🐵 🙈 🙉 🙊 🦍 🐧 🐄 🐮 🐼 🐽 🐷 🐖 🐗 🐎 🐴 🦄 🎠 🏇 🐸 🐭 🐀 🐹 🐰 🐻
🦅 🦆 🦢 | 🪿
goose | 🐦 🕊 🦊 🦜 🐺 🦖 🦂 scorpion 🦎 🦕 🐍 🐿 🕷 🕸 🪰 🐝 🐛 🐜 🐞 🦟 🪲 🦋 🦗 🪳 🦇
hedgehog | 🦚 🐂 🐃 🦠 🐥 🐤 🐣 🪶 🪽 wing | 🦡 badger | 🦫 beaver | 🦤 dodo | 🐊 crocodile | 🦘 kangaroo |
bison | 🦣 mammoth | 🦭 | 🪱 | 🦦 otter | 🦥 sloth | 🦐 shrimp | 🪺 nest eggs |
⛔🍏: _

► ◄ ▼ ▲ ▷ ▽ ◁ △ ⇔ ⇒ ⇓ ⇑ ← ⟵ → ⇉ ⟶ ⇌ ➜ | 🜂
alchemical symbol "fire" |
➤ ➢ ⫷ ⫸ ⏬ ⏫ 🔽 🔼 ➵ ➴ ➶ ➷ ➹ ⬍ ⬄ ⇨ ⇦ ⇧ ⇩ 🎯 ➾ ⟫ | ⟳ | 🔝 | ⇱ ⇲
↑ ↓ → ↔ ↗ ↘ ↖ ↙ ⬇ ⬆ ⬅ ➡ ➧ ⬌ | ⎆
enter | ⛛ ⎊ | ⏎ return/enter | ➫ | ⟰ |
➜ ꘜ 🔺 |
Don't use this: 🔻 | 🔙 🔁 ⧨ ⧩ | ▶ ◀ | _ |
⛔🍏: ⮎ ⮏ ⮍ ⮌ ⭯ ⭮ 🡻 🢁 🢂 🢀 🢆 ⭾ 🢗 🗘 ⬄ ⮔ ⮞ ⮜ ⮟ ⮝

Art: See entertainment.

B list
👣 🌴 🏄 🏊 🏖 ⛱ 🐚 🌊 ⎈ ⛵ 🚤 🔱 🚢 ⚓ ⛴ 🛥 🩴 | 🧴
lotion | 🧜‍♀️  mermaid | 🛶 🛟
map symbol for lighthouse |

Body Parts/Hands/Fingers:
🦴 🦶 🦷 🍖 👣 🤙 👀 👁 👅 👃 👂 👍 👎 ☞ ☜ ☟ 👇 💪 🙏 👋 🖖 ✋ 🖐 👐 🙋 👊
👆 ✌ 👌 👈 👉 🤞 ☝ Ѡ 💅 🧠 🦰 🤏 ✊ 🫀 🫁 | 🦻 ear with hearing aid | 🤝 handshake | ☛ ☚

Books: See entertaintment & education.

list Bullets/Checks/Buttons: Also see Dashes & Hyphens.& Stars/Sparkles
EMAIL CROSS-PLATFORM: | 🎯 ❏ ❑ 💠 ⬤ ⚫ 🔘 ⬛ ✔ ✘ ⌘ 🔹 🔵 ✿ ✦ 🔴 ⭕
| a � | b ·
middle dot | c ⋅ dot operator | d _ | e • | f ⬤ | g • alt-0149 or • | h ● | ⭕
| i ⚫ | j _ | k ◯ | l ❖ | m ⌑ | n ◘ | o 🔘 | p ⊙ | q ⌖ | r ⊕ | ⟐ |
| s ⊗ | t ❍ | u ○ | v ❏ ❑ | w ∘| x ◈ | y ※ | z | ⛋ | ◼ ️ ◾ ▪ ️ ️ ▪ ◾ ️ ◼ | ◦
white bullet |
1 ◙ | 2 ▬ | 3 ➖| 🟢 green 🟢 | 🟡 yellow 🟡 | 🔴 red 🔴 | 🔶 | 🔷 | 🟠 🔵 🟣 🟤 ⚪ ⚫ |
🟥 🟧 🟨 🟩 🟦 🟪 🟫 ⬛ ⬜ 🧿 💠 🔅
▣ 🔘 ⦾ ⦿ 🔳 🔲 ░ ▓ ▓ ▒ | ◌ | _ | ⃟ | ◇ 🝔 | ⬚ | ø Ø |
➤ ➢ ∎ ■ █ ⬛ ◆ 🔹 ⬕ | ✦ ✦ or Alt+10022 | ✧ ✧ or Alt+10023 | ✨ ☐ ⁍ ⁌ ⁃ |
⏸ ⌘ | ❎ ✅ (✅) | ✓ ✔ ☑ ⍻ ☒ ✘ ☒ ⌧ 〿 ❌ ⁜
erase L | ⌦ erase R | ֍ ֎ ༓ ⌾ ✜ | ⁃ alt-2043 hyphen bullet |
position | � "replacement character" Q-mark | Asterisks/Florettes/Sparkles: ✽ ❃ ❁ ✱ ✾ ✤ ✣ ❃ ❈ ❇ ❊ ❀ ✿ ❁ |
⛔🍏: 🞜 🙫 🞖 ⭘ 🗸 🗹 🗷 🗹 🟈 🟅 🙤 🙦 ⯍⯏ 🞴 🞿 ⯐
(square position indicator)

C list
Callouts: (for email subject lines)
📢 📣 ☞ 💡 ⚜ 🔎 ✍ ✎ ✏ ✑ 📖 📰 🆕 🔜 🆒 🆓 🆗 ➑
🎯 👀 🔔 🛎 ⌚ ⏰ ⏱ ⏲ ⏳ 👷 🚧 ℹ
(best for email) 📅 📆 🔥 👓 ❰ ❱ ❮ ❯ ෴ 💥 📷 📸 | ㊙ secret |
⚠ 【 】 🛑 🚩 ⏸ 🎗 ⧉ 📛
(name badge)
⛔🍏: ⯐ ⯑ 🛇 🖎 🕭

Note: This symbol ⚜ is called a fleur-de-lis (French, lily) or fiordaliso/giglio (Italian; used in Florence).

Cleaning: See Real Estate

🤵 🧵 👙 🩱 👘 👔 👖 🧤 🎩 👒 👛 🧦 👡 👢 👓 👠 👟 👞 👗 👕 🎽 🎀 🥋 🩴 🪥 🧢 🩰

Construction: 🏗 👷 🚧 | 🧱 brick |

Communication: See Speech/Thought and Writing

Copyright/Trademark/Service Mark: See Legal.

D list
Dashes/Hyphens/Dividers: Also see, bullets, punctuation & stars.
(short to long): | ⁻ superscript minus | ₋ subscript minus | ﹣ small hyphen minus | - hyphen minus | 🝐 alchemical caduceus |
full-width hyphen minus | ­ soft/discretionary hyphen | ‐ hyphen | ‑ nonbreaking hyphen |
minus sign | ‒ figure dash | – en dash | ― horizontal bar | — em dash | | ➖ heavy minus sign | ▬ black rectangle |
vertical en | ︱ vertical em | ⸺ two-em | ⸻ three-em |
╤ ╦ ╬ ║ ༞ ┇ ┉ ┋ ⌗
⛔🍏: _

Death: See memorials under holidays.

E list
Education/School: 🏫 🎓 🎒 📚 📕 📙 📗 📘 📖
⛔🍏: 🕮

Emojis: See Faces/Feelings & read about EMOJIS on Wikipedia.

Entertainment/Music/Reading/Performing Arts/Art: Also see games & technology.
🎚 🎤 🎙 🎦 🎼 📺 📻 🎥 🎞 🎭 📖 📘 📚 📕 🎟 🎫 🎪 🎢 🎡 🎠 🖼 🎨 📔 🖍 📑 🖌
♫ ♪ ♩ ♬ 🎶 🎹 🎧 🎸 🎷 🎻 🎺 🥁 🪕 📯 | ♮
(natural) | ♯ ♭ 𝄫 🔮
🔔 🔕 📢 🔊 🔇 🔈 🔉 𝄆 𝄇 𝅝 𝄚 𝄌
previous track | ⏪ rewind | ▶ play | ⏯ play/pause| ⏩ fast forward | ⏏ eject |
⛔🍏: 🕮 🕭 𝅝 𝅝 𝄠 𝅘 𝅥 𝅮 🖵 🎘

Environment/Ecology: Also see: Plants & Weather/Nature/Planet.
🌱 🍃 🍂 💧 🌳 🌲 🪴 🛢 | misc. recycling: ♻ ♲ | ♼ recycled paper | 🌎 🌍 🌏 | 🏞 National Park (ugly in Windows) |
⛔🍏: 🌢

F list
Faces/Feelings: ☮❤😊
Angry/Disgusted: 😠 😡 😤 💢 👎 🤢 🤮 😈 👿 👺 | 🤬 swearing | 🖕 middle | 🐂💩🕳 🦇💩 | 🝖 horse dung alchemical symbol |
Confused/Concerned/Frustrated/Bored/Neutral: 🤷 🫤 🎠 🥱 😐 😬 😶 😑 😕 🤔 😖 😣 🤦 🙄 👀 😴 🤐 💤 🤥 | 🤌 ma che vuoi |
Congratulations/Respect/Support: 👍 🥳 👏 🤝 🙌 ✌ | 🙇 bowing with respect | 🖖 live long & prosper | 🫡 saluting |
Emotional: 🥹 "face holding back tears" | 😢 "crying face" | 🥲 "smiling face with tear" | 🥺 |
Happy/Excited: ☺ 🙂 😃 😊 😎 🕶 😄 😁 😅 😂 🤩 🤘 👍 🤸 🤗 ☻ 🆙 | 🥲 smile with tear | 🥹 teary-eyed |
Joking/Crazy/Dizzy: 😉 🤪 🙃 😋 😜 😛 😝 🧐 😇 🤤 | 🥴 woozy | 😏 smirk | 🤨 Colbert | 🤓 nerd | 😵 💫 dizzy | 🍼 🤠 🤡 🥸
Laughing: 😆 🤣 🤭 😂 😄 😹
Love: 🩷 ❤ 💜 💗 💕 💞 🩶 🤍 ⮜gray; no render on old Apple devices ♡ 💔 💘 💙 💛 💖 💚 💝 🎗 😙 😘 😍 🖤 🤎 | 💟 💌
love you (sign) | 💑 🥰 🤗 💋 ❣ | 🕯 candle | 🫂 hugs | 🫶 heart hands | ❌⭕❌⭕ kisses & hugs |
Relieved/OK/Relaxed: 🆗 😌 😅 ☯ 🎯 | 🧘 lotus/meditating/yoga |
Sad/Crying/Worried/Sick/Tired: 🙁 😢 😟 ☹ 😞 😒 👎 😭 😩 😫 😨 🤕 🤒 | 🕯 candle | 🥺 pleading |
yawning | 😴💤 😰 💔 🤮 | 😓 cold sweat | 😪 sleepy/snot/tear? | 🤧 sneezing | 😷 | 🤤 drooling |
Shocked/Surprised/Horrified/Frozen: 🤯 😱 🫣 | 😧 😯 😦 😮 😲 😳| 🥵 🥶 | 🫨 shaking face |
OTHER: | 💨 | 💩 | ⚰ | 💀 | ☠ 🕱 | 👽 | 👌 (OK) | 🥷 (ninja) | 🖐 | _ | _ | 💦 | ♫ | _ | ☮
👾 | 🕊 | 🤫
quiet/shush/shh | 🤏 close/small | 💪 | 🙏 | 🤞 | _ | 👋 waving | 🫠 melting | ☯ | 🧐 monocle |
⛔🍏: 🗢 🗱

list Finance/Money/Banking/Currency/Gambling:
🏦 🏧 🪙 📈 📉 🔻 📊 💰 💳 💵 💸 💱 💲 🧾 $ $ ﹩ $ ¢ ¢ 🤑 | 💶 € ₠ Euro-Currency | 🆓 | 📒
💹 | 🪙
coin | ₽ Ruble | £ £ 💷 Pound | ¥ ¥ 円 💴 Yen | 💱 currency exchange | ₹ Rupee | ₩ South Korean Won (from 원 전) |
Costa Rican colón | NOT US cent:Ghana Cedi | Currency Symbols on Wikipedia | ₿ bitcoin | ₱ Filipino (not Mexican) peso |
♥ ♡ ♦ ◇ ♣ ♧ ♠ ♤ 🎲 🎰
⛔🍏: 🗠 🖩

Flags: 🏴‍☠️ ⚑ 🚩 🏳️‍🌈🏁 🏳 🇺🇸

🍽 🍴 🥄 🔪 🥣 🍆 🍌 🥓 🍍 🍿 🍭 🍑 🍨 🍊 🍓 🥭 🍅 🍏 🍎 🥝 🍥 🍣 🍦 🍰 🎂 🥗 🍝 🫑 🫒 🫐 🧅 🧄 🧁
🥃 🍺 🍻 🍾 🥂 🍶 🍷 🍸 🍹 🧊 🍕 🍩 🍼 🍒 🍗 🥪 🌭 🍔 🍟 🥜 🥑 🥧 🥕 🥦 🥬 🥛 🍪 🍄 🥨
☕ 🫖 🍵 🥩 | 🌾
(ear of rice) | 🍇 🍋 🍍 🍒 🥥 🥐 🥞 🧂 🥔 🍠 🥡 🏺 🔪🥄 🥢 🧃 🍜 🥤 🥚 🍬 🍫 🥠 fortune cookie
🍯 | 🌮
taco | 🌶 🌯 burrito | 🍳 cooking/egg | 🍲 stew | 🍞 🧈 🥖 bread & butter | 🧋 | 🌰 chestnut | 🍮 custard | 🍱 bento box |
🫕 fondu | 🫔 tamale | 🍧 shaved ice | 🍤 fried shrimp | 🫖 teapot | 🥮 moon cake | .

Footnotes: * § † ¶ ‡ ※ ⁑ ✱ ⊛ ؂ |
⛔🍏: 🞯

G list
Games/Puzzles: 🎮 🕹 🪀 🧩 🃏 ♥ ♡ ♦ ◇ ♣ ♧ ♠ ♤ 🎲 🂡 | 🪄 magic wand | 🎱 8 ball | 🎰 slots |
⛔🍏: _

Globe: See Weather/Nature/Planet.

H list
🩸 🩹 🤕 🦠 😷 🤒 ⚕ ♿ 🦽 🧬 | ♨
onsen/hot tub |
💉 🩺 ✚ ℞ 💊 👓 | 🚬 | 🚭
no smoking | 🧘 meditation | 👓 | 🌿 herb |
Blood types: 🅰 🅱 🆎 🅾
Caduceus, which is NOT the correct original medical symbol (as the Rod of Asclepius above is), but it has mistakenly been used as such so often that it might be acceptable. |

🐰 🍀 ☃ 🎄 🎅 🕯 🕎 🎉 🎊 🎁 🥳 🎂 🍹 🍸 🍾 🥂 🏆 🍻 🍺 💍 🧨 | ㊗
congratulations | 🧧
👰 🤵 💎 ⚭ marriage |
double happiness | ⚮ divorce | ⚰ ⚱ ☠ 🪦 headstone |
👻 🎃 💀 🧛 |
👹 👺 🎗 💐 🎈 🦃 🎆 🎇 | 🎏 koinobori/May 5th | 🏮 izakaya/akachōchin |
⊘🍏: 🕱

I list
Information/Support: ℹ | 💁 info desk person | ⓘ
⛔🍏: 🛈

L list
© ™ ® ℠ | ℗ sound recording copyright |
⚖ | 🗽 | 🆔 | 🦹 supervillain — Hey Unicode Consortium: Still waiting for that gavel, thief, jail, etc.! |

Letters/Runes: ƒ ƒ ᛟ ᛃ
ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ ⓓ ⓔ ⓕ ⓖ ⓗ ⓘ ⓙ ⓚ ⓛ ⓜ ⓝ ⓞ ⓟ ⓠ ⓡ ⓢ ⓣ ⓤ ⓥ ⓦ ⓧ ⓨ ⓩ
𝔞 𝔟 𝔠 𝔡 𝔢 𝔣 𝔤 𝔥 𝔦 𝔧 𝔨 𝔩 𝔪 𝔫 𝔬 𝔭 𝔮 𝔯 𝔰 𝔱 𝔲 𝔳 𝔴 𝔵 𝔶 𝔷
𝖆 𝖇 𝖈 𝖉 𝖊 𝖋 𝖌 𝖍 𝖎 𝖏 𝖐 𝖑 𝖒 𝖓 𝖔 𝖕 𝖖 𝖗 𝖘 𝖙 𝖚 𝖛 𝖜 𝖝 𝖞 𝖟
"clear" button | 🇬 Regional Indicator & Google logo substitute
Text modifier "҉" (combining cyrillic millions sign) can be placed before and after unicode text or symbols for some splash like this...
Superscript Capital Letters (no C/Q/X/Y/Z): ᴬ ᴮ ᴰ ᴱ ᴳ ᴴ ᴵ ᴶ ᴷ ᴸ ᴹ ᴺ ᴼ ᴾ ᴿ ᵀ ᵁ ⱽ ᵂ
Superscript Lower Case Letters (no "q"): ᵃ ᵇ ᶜ ᵈ ᵉ ᶠ ᵍ ʰ ⁱ ʲ ᵏ ˡ ᵐ ⁿ ᵒ ᵖ ʳ ˢ ᵗ ᵘ ᵛ ʷ ˣ ʸ ᶻ

Greek alphabet with hex html entities.
⛔🍏: 🆊

Lighting: 🪔 💡 🕯 🔦

M list
📮 📧 📎 🖨 📪 📫 📬 📭 ✉ 📦| 〶 〒
Japanese postal code |
⛔🍏: 🖅

Maps: See Travel.

Mathematical/Logical Operators: See Numbers/Math/Logic below

property line | ℄ center line |
triangular ruler | ∡ measured angle | 📏 straight ruler | ⌱ dimension origin | ⟀ 3D angle | ⌀ diameter | (square foot) |
⛔🍏: _

Metaphors: | 🪤 mouse trap |

list Military/Weapons: ⚔ 🎖 🔫 🏹 🪖 🪃 | 🗡️ | 💣 🪂 🪖 ⊹
⛔🍏: 🥆 (rifle; censored by Apple & Microsoft)

Miscellaneous: 💡 ⚜ | ⅌ "per" as a reference to someone, or as a ratio |
device control one | 🗑 waste basket |
⛔🍏: ⛨

Money: See Finance

Music/Sounds/Instruments: See entertainment.

N list
Nature: See Environment/Ecology / Plants / Weather.

Alt-8470 in MS Word | # | # full width | 🔁 repeat | 🧮 abacus |
Superscript: In Word, for zero one-hundredths currency, use normal zeros then superscript and underline them. In other applications, try these but don't underline... ⁰⁰
| ⁰ | ¹ | ² | ³ | ⁴ | ⁵ | ⁶ | ⁷ | ⁸ | ⁹ | ⁺ | ⁻ | ⁽ ⁾ |

Subscript: ₀ ₁ ₂ ₃ ₄ ₅ ₆ ₇ ₈ ₉ ₊ ₋ ₌ ₍ ₎
More superscript & subscript numbers here.

🖐 ✌ 💯 ∞ ⓪ ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ ⑬ ⑭ ⑮ ⑯ ⑰ ⑱ ⑲ ⑳
Continuing at 21, but different size/style... ㉑ ㉒ ㉓ ㉔ ㉕ ...
#️⃣ *️⃣ 0️⃣ 1️⃣ 2️⃣ 3️⃣ 4️⃣ 5️⃣ 6️⃣ 7️⃣ 8️⃣ 9️⃣ 🔟
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
⓵ ⓶ ⓷ ⓸ ⓹ ⓺ ⓻ ⓼ ⓽ ⓾
➊ ➋ ➌ ➍ ➎ ➏ ➐ ➑ ➒ ➓
❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ❽ ❾ ❿
(These look larger than the set above ONLY on Firefox, but they're also CLEARER in text documents.)
ROMAN: Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ | 9 Ⅸ | 10 Ⅹ | 11 Ⅺ | 12 Ⅻ |
50 Ⅼ | 100 Ⅽ | 500 Ⅾ | 1,000 Ⅿ | 10,000 ↂ |
∫ ∬ ∭ ⨌ ∮ ⨚
CJK: ㉈ ㉉ ㉊ ㉋ ㉌ ㉍ ㉎ ㉏
➗ ➖ ➕ ✖ Δ ≠ ± ≅ ≈ ≤ ≥ ∑ √ ⅒ ⅑ ⅛ ⅐ ⅙ ⅕ ⅓ ¼ ⅜ ½ ⅝ ⅔ ¾ ⅘ ⅚ ⅞ | _ | 
succeeds | ≺ preceeds | ≥ ≯ ≫ | ≸ neither less than nor greater than | ⩼ ⋙ ⧁ | ≡
identical to | ≢ not identical to |
⟨ ⟩ ⟪ ⟫
there exists | ⊟ squared minus | ∴ therefore | ∎ "end of proof" or QED (Quod erat demonstrandum/"It can be shown.") |
Vulgar Fraction Calculators: 1 | 2 | Also see Greek symbols used in math & science at the top of this page.
⛔🍏: 🄍

O list
Office Supplies: 📁 📂 🖇 📎 | ♾ permanent paper | 🗄 file cabinet | 📥 📤
⛔🍏: 🗀 🗁 🗁 🖶 🖹 🗋 🖺

P list

📇 👸 🧔 👤 👥 🕵 👴 👭 👯 👵 🧓 👷 ⛑ 🕴 👶 👼 👫 👭 👩 🚶 👮 💂 🚼 ⚥ ⚤ ♀ ♂ ⚲ ⚢ ⚣
🧘 👪 🤠 | 🥷 ninja | 🧟 zombie | 🧙 mage | 🧞 genie | 💃 🕺 dancers | 🚺 🚹 | 🤰 pregnant | 🧕 head scarf |

🤳 📷 📸 📹 🎥

Plants: Also see Environment/Ecology & Weather/Nature/Planet.
🌴 🍃 ☘ 🌲 🌳 🌼 ✿ ❁ 🌸 🌺 🌻 🍁 🍂 🌵 🌱 🌷 🌹 💮 ⚘ 🥀 🍄 | 🪷
lotus |
herb | 🎍 Japanese bamboo | 🥀 wilted flower | 🪴 potted plant | 💐 | 🎋 tanabata tree |
⛔🍏: 🎕

Politics/Government: ☭ USSR | 卐 right-facing (Nazi) swastika | 🗳 ballot box | ♔ ♕ 👑

list Pronunciation/Chinese Tones: (1-high/2-rising/3-down-up/4-dropping)
A— ā á ǎ à
E— ē é ě è | ə Ə
I— ī í ǐ ì
O— ō ó ǒ ò | ö
U— ū ú ǔ ù | ü ǖ

Punctuation/Typography/Brackets: Also see table at top, dashes/hyphens, spacers, footnotes & numbers.
| ☰ hamburger nav menu trigram | ⋮ vertical ellipsis/kebob | … horizontal ellipsis/"more" menu |
| « » ‹ ›
guillemets | 《 》 angle brackets | ❮ ❯ ⟪ ⟫ ❰ ❱ ⦅ ⦆ ⸨ ⸩ ⟦ ⟧ 。 。 . . ᠃ ᠉ ։ | § (alt-0167) |
. .
ideographic space ( ) | . . "hair space" between dots; narrowest; ( ) |
Quotation marks: | “ left double | ” right double | ‘ left single | ’ right single | "
neutral double | ' neutral single | ʻ Hawaiʻian okina |
‼ ⁉ ❔
? | ❕ | ❓ ❗ ❣ ‽ ✳ | ¶ ❡
pilcrow/paragraph | ␃ end of text | ܀ Syriac end of paragraph | ∎ Ω
reference mark | † Dagger | ‡ Double dagger | _ | ⋮ Vertical Ellipsis | ! ? full width (use w/ Chinese Han) |
coronis & forked paragraphos | ⸏ paragraphos | ⸑ reverse forked | ꧁ ꧂ Javanese left & right rerenggan | ⁂ asterism |
⊘🍏: ⸸
turned dagger | _

R list

Reading: See entertainment.

Real Estate/Rentals/Utilities/Hospitality/Services/Furniture:
🏛 ⌂ 🔑 🗝 🏠 🏡 🏢 🏰 ⛫ 🏯 | 🏩 LOVE hotel 🏨 hotel | 🦯 ♿ 🆏 🚾 🅏 🚹 🅿 🚺 🧼 🫧 🛁 🚿 🛌 🛏 🚽 🧻 🛋 |
🛎 🗑 trash | 🚮 litter | 🧯 fire extinguisher | 🛗 | 🏚 derelict house/building | 🪧 | 🚪 🪞 🪟
| 💡 electricity | 🔥 gas/fire | ♲ recycle | 💧 water | 🚭 no smoking | 🚬 smoking | ⛲
⛔🍏: ⚿

👻 🛐 | ✝ ✟ ☨ | ✡ 🕍 🕎 | ☪ 🕌 🕋 | 🛕 | ⛪ | ☦ | ☥ ankh | ☬ Khanda/Sikh | ☸ wheel of dharma | ⛩ |🗿 Moyai/Moai |
👼 | 🙏 | 🔮 | ⚱ | ✠ Maltese cross rendered as cross patée | 🕉 om | ॐ Devanagari om | 🦣 Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism |
🧿 nazar amulet | 🪬 Hamsa (protection/power/strength, Mesopotamian origin) | __ What's next? Woo never stops. |
⛔🍏: 🕀 𐇛

S list
Script & Doublestruck Letters: 𝒟𝒢 𝔻𝔾
Use this site to convert text to "fancy fonts" then—if needed for HTML authoring—use this site to convert fancy fonts Unicode characters to HTML entities.

🔒 🛡 | 🥽 safety goggles | 🔓 unlocked | 🔐 with key |🔏 write-lock | 🔑 🗝 | 🔗 chain link | 🧯 fire extinguisher | 🦺 |

Shapes/Lines/Shading/Geometry: Also see bullets/etc, callouts & stars.
Do not use red, downward-pointing triangle; used in Nazi concentration camps.

⧉ ⬡ ⬢ 💠 ⏣ ⊡ ⁙ ◬ ⦚ ⧛ ⌗ ⧚ ⧘ ⧙ 〇 🔻 🔴 ⊕ ⭕ ⬤ ⎊ ⛛
⊘ | ⃠ | ⌽ | ⍉ | Ø | ɷ | ⦛ ⦫ ∡ | ◲ ▖ ▚ ▛ ▜ ▝ ▚ ▘ ▙ 『 』 | ◔ ◕
||||| _ | ‗ | _ | ⎯ | _ | ﹍ | ﹏ | ‾
overline | ◤ ◢ ◣ ◥ | ◸ ◹ ◺ ◿ |
▀▄▀▄ ╼ 〜 〰 ᔐ 𝆗 ᔑ | ̳ | ﹎ | ⃤ |
Triangle alt-codes. | ⎅
░▒▓█ (text) █▓▒░ | 🔰
beginner |
⛔🍏: 🛆 𝄙 𝄘 ⸾ 🞃

Shopping: 🛒 🛍 🏷

Signs: See Travel for traffic signs. | 🏷 tag/label | 🔜 | 🆕 |

Sounds: See entertainment.

list Spacers:
| > < "hair" | > < "thin" | > < narrow no-break | > < normal no-break space | > < medium/math |

Speech/Thought: 🗣 🗨 💬 💭 | 🗯 anger bubble |
⛔🍏: 🗫 🗪 🗩 🗭 🗬 🗮 | 🗰
mood bubble |

Sports/Recreation (also see entertainment):
🚴 🚲 🚵 🚳 🚶 🏃 🤿 🥽 🛶 🚣 🏊 🏄 🏋 🏒 ⚔ ⛳ 🏌 🏈 🏐 ⚾ 🥎 ⚽ 🥅 🏁 🎱 🎳 | 🦿 prosthetic leg |
🤸 🏀 🎿 🎣 🪝 🥊 | 🏓 | 👑 KOM crown | 🏆 🏅 🥇 🥈 🥉 | 🏂 snowboarder | 🏉 rugby | 🆚 😅 🥵 💦 🫠
🏏 🎾 🥍 🏟 🛷 ⛸ ⛷ | 🛹 skateboard | 🏸 | 🛝 slide | 🥏 Frisbee | 🧗 climbing | 🏹 |

Stars/Sparkles: Also see bullets, callouts & shapes.
✮ ✭ ⚝ ⭐ ✰ ⍟ ⁕ 🌠 🌟 ✵ ✪ ☆ ★ ✯ ✴ / ❇ ✶ ✹ ✸ ✲ ❃ ✧ ✦ ✨ ✳
⛔🍏: _

T list
email | ☰ hamburger nav menu trigram | ⋮ vertical ellipsis/kebob | … horizontal ellipsis/"more" menu |
🤖 🦾 ✇ 💾 🎮 📀 💿 📺 📻 📶 🧪
| 📟 pager | 🏭 factory | 🛜 Wi-Fi | ⏚ |
🔋 🧲 🔭 🔬 ⚛ 📡 🛰 ⌁ 🔌 📷 🖥 💻 📹 🎥 🔊 🔇 🔈 🔉 ƒ | 🌌
Milky Way | ⌘ command key |
⌨ | 🖲 🖱 ️
trackball/3-button/mouse | 🔗 link | ⌬ benzene | ⛶ full screen | ⟳ refresh | ㎐ ㎑ ㎒ ㎓ ㎔ | ℧
⏼ ⏻ ⏽
power/switch/on; requires Symbola or Babelstone Han font | ⏾ | 🎛 control knobs |
printer | 📠 fax | ⎙ print screen | 🔅 dim/low brightness |🔣 input symbol for symbols |
⛔🍏: 🖫 🖬 🖵 🖳 | 🖰
2-button mouse |🕪 🕩 🕨 🖦 🖯 🖴 ⭘ 🖶

Telephones: 📞 ✆ ☏ ☎| 🤳 selfie | ⌕ recorder |📴 off | 📱 📲 📵 | 📳 vibration mode |
⛔🍏: 🕻 🕿 🕾 🖁

Temperature: See Weather

Time: ⏳ ⌛ ⧗ 🎯 👀 🔔 🛎 ⌚ ⏰ ⏱

list Tools, Mechanical, Utensils & Search:
✂ 🔦 🧷 🔨 🔧 🪚 🧹 🛠 ⚒ 🪓 ⛏ | 🗜
clamp/compression | 🧰 🍴 🔍 🔎 🔭 🗡 🛡 ⚙ 🪜 🪢 🪣
⛔🍏: ✀

Toys: 🧸 🪁 🪀 🛷 | 🪆 nesting dolls |

Transportation/Travel/Maps/Navigation/Vehicles/Traffic Signs:
🚧 🛞 🗺 🧭 🛑 ⛔ 🔴 | 🚫 | 🛂 🚀 🏍 🛵 🏜 🏕 ⛺ 🏝 💺 ✈ 🛫 🛬 🛩 🛸 🚢 🛳
🚞 🚡 🚠 ⛖ ⛗ 🛣 🏨 🛌 🅿 🚚 🚛 | 🧳
luggage | 🛄 💼 🛅 🚁 | 🚂 🚃 🚇 🚆 🚍 🚄 🚌 🚐 🚓 🚗 🚘 🛴
🛻 🚕 🚖 🏎 🚔 🛱 🚒 🚙 🛻 ⛽ 🚥 🚦 🚩 📍 | 🗺
world map | 📌 🗼 🗾 🎎 | 🛤 RR tracks | ⛙
place of interest | 🌉 bridge | 🛷 | 🚷 🚸
⛔🍏: 🛱 ⮏ | 🛇
prohibited | 🛧 🛪 🛨 🛦 🙮 🙬 🙭 🖈

earth | ☲ fire | ☰ heaven | ☶ keeping still mountain | ☱ lake | ☳ thunder | ☵ water | ☴ wind |

W list
Warnings/Alerts: 🚨 ⚠ ⚛ ☢ ☣ 💣 ☠ 🆘 ✚ 🚧 🚩 ⚡

Weather/Nature/Planet: (Also see Beach, Environment/Ecology, & Plants.)
℃ ℉ 🌡 🪨 ⚛ ❅ ❄ ☃ ﹅ ✿ ❀ ⁕ 💮
🌐 🌎 🌍 🌏 🔥 🥵 🥶 💧 🫧| 🎐
wind chime |
🌞 ☼ ❂ 😎 🕶 🌤 ☀
🌧 ⛈ 🌦 ⛆ ☁ ⛅ 🌩 🌤 🌪 🌈 🌀 🌂 ☂ ☔
🌄 🏔 🗻 ⛰ | ☄
comet | 🌌 Milky Way | 🌋 volcano | 🌫 🌁 fog/foggy | 🌅 sunrise |
sunset/sunrise over buildings |🌬 wind | 🪨 rock | 🕳 hole |
moons: 🌑 🌕 🌛 🌝 🌗 🌓 🌔 🌖 🌒 🌘 🌜 |
⛔🍏: 🌣

Writing: Also see punctuation. See books under entertainment.
📜 ✍ 🖊 🖋 ✎ ✏ ✒ ✑ 📖 📰 📓 📔 🗒 📄 📝 | ℅ care of | ⎗ previous page | ⌫ erase to the left (backspace) | _ |
⛔🍏: 🖉

Zodiac Astrology Signs:
| ♈ Aries/Ram Mar21-Apr19 | ♉ Taurus/Bull Apr20–May20 | ♊ Gemini/Twins May21–Jun20 | ♋ Cancer/Crab Jun21–Jul22 | ♌ Leo/Lion Jul23–Aug22 |
| ♍ Virgo/Maiden Aug23–Sep22 | ♎ Libra/Scales Sep23–Oct22 | ♏ Scorpio (scorpius)/Scorpion Oct23–Nov21 | ♐ Sagittarius/Centaur Nov22–Dec21
| ♑ Capricorn/Goat Dec22–Jan19 | ♒ Aquarius/Water Bearer Jan20–Feb18 | ♓ Pisces/Fish Feb19–Mar20 | ⛎ Ophiuchus, the "13th sign of the zodiac" would be Nov29-Dec17 if the "serpent-bearer" was adopted by astrologists as a new sign |

Full ASCII table is provided here.
Different computer & phone operating systems render special characters differently, so be sure to test before publishing.


list Another way to make a superscript is to use the <SUP> and </SUP> tags [in code view] on either side of the digit(s) or letter(s) you want to raise. To make a subscript, use the <SUB> and </SUB> tags. Subscripts and superscripts are inline elements, aka "text-level" elements.
See here for more tips on entering in Microsoft applications. The clover can be entered in Word by typing 2618 then pressing and holding ALT while typing x, but it can also be entered by holding ALT while typing 9752 on the numeric keypad. (Notice this does not work in Dreamweaver.)
Keep in mind that the font you're using may impact whether or not the symbol will display properly.

This ASCII / Unicode character reference is provided by Dan Goese.

Goese Home Page

Click here to see more "special character" resources in far-right column of Dan's Favorites.

list Full, traditional ASCII table is provided here.


  1. The Euro (€) symbol replaced the previous "Euro Currency Unit" symbol (₠) on January 1, 1999.
  2. The "paragraph" symbol/mark (alt-0182) ¶ is now called the "pilcrow." The pilcrow was a type of rubrication used in the Middle Ages to mark a new train of thought, before the convention of visually discrete paragraphs was commonplace. The word pilcrow originates from the Greek word paragraphos. This was rendered in Old French as paragraphe and later changed to pelagraphe. The earliest reference of the modern pilcrow is in 1440 with the Middle English word pylcrafte.
  3. Alt-code shortcuts work in applications using Unicode character encoding to convert the code into symbols. The DECIMAL code usually works with the Alt key in Windows-based applications. Unfortunately, the code may work in MS Word but not MS Notepad. The HEXADECIMAL code (limited to 4 digit codes) works with option key on Mac. For third party applications, it depends on which encoding they adopt. Here is a hexadecimal-to-decimal converter.







