Email Disclaimer & Privacy Notice: If you have received an email message from Dan in error, please notify him and delete his message from your system(s). His email messages contain confidential friend/family/client/associate information that is intended only for the individual(s) named therein. If you are not a named addressee or intended recipient you are hereby notified that disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of such information is strictly prohibited. The confidential information should not be distributed by intended recipient(s) to any third party. Neither Dan nor any affiliated family member, trust, or corporate entity accepts any liability for the content of any email—or for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the information provided therein—unless that information is subsequently confirmed in writing. Many of Dan's messages are generated using automated speech-to-text (STT) speech recognition (SR) technology, which sometimes seems to have its own agenda. Efforts are made to review the STT results before sending, but errors are most often discovered immediately after the message was sent. 😒 Please pardon these and all other errors, and let Dan know if his message is unclear for any reason. Thank you!